I have never considered my self to be a political person, even after being an Army Wife for the past 19 years. But I feel like our country is so divided, and there is so much going on, that I can't sit on the sidelines anymore. Barack Obama's message has really inspired me. I don't know if it is him personally, or just something within myself that knows it's time to take action. But I really like the things he has to say. I'm so geeked about this guy that I'm even going to a Political Rally in Austin on Friday, can you believe that?! I'll post on it ... probably in six months or so... ha ha. The logo at the top is also a link to his site, if anyone wants to check it out.
Well, we didn't make it to the rally. When we heard there were already tens of thousands of people signed up to go, we decided not to battle the Austin traffic and the crowds, especially with a three-year-old. However, they seemed to do OK without us--this time! :)
I enjoyed your comments, your blog and profile, and want to join you, as a fellow Texan, in saying BARACK OBAMA for President 2008!!!
Suzanne ( an Obamacrat)
I'm with you, OBAMA '08, all the way!
YEAH!!! And he's sexy, too!! :D
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