Getting Ready to Go
Well, not much going on this weekend, just cleaning & doing laundry, getting ready to head up to Michigan later this week! Jillian & I are flying, so it should be quite an adventure! Especially for the lucky winner who gets to share a seat with us! And why am I putting exclamation points after everything! Bad Laura! No more coffee!
Of course, there is stuff I could have probably done last week, but I think I have planned it so I won't be jumping thru my butt too badly and will be able to get everything done before the last minute. (I.E. my usual habit of packing damp laundry at 2 AM, in major freak-out mode!)
I don't know if I'll be posting anything until we're settled in the U.P., but as usual, all your good thoughts & prayers are much appreciated! I'm even going to buy a new battery for the camera, and I'll try and put some pictures up here for you. (According to Tom, I'm such a TOOL and the family is officially shamed. I just tell him to shut up, or I'll post stuff on my blog about him. Insolence will not be tolerated.) Evil Laugh......
Oh well, back to the laundry.