we bought a boat!
Jim has had "boat fever" for awhile, and on Friday we finally took the plunge and we bought a boat! A Stingray 180, with a package that included the trailer, lifejackets and basically everything we need to get on the water right away. It's not a huge "go to Isle Royale" boat, but it is a good starter for our family. We're really excited about being able to get outside and do something together that we all will enjoy. There are a couple of big lakes (OK, you Michigan people, big for TEXAS!) about 25 - 30 miles away where we can go and spend the day, swimming, fishing, or whatever. We even got a lifejacket for Patches, so he can go with us and we don't have to worry about him stuck in the yard, or eating the house.
Here's a factory picture. We pick up our boat on Tuesday, and I'll post some pics then too. Now it just has to stop raining. (We've had terrible storms and flash flooding in the area, but fortunately our house & neighborhood is OK.)

Don't let me on your boat... I break them!! Seriously, something bad always happens when I get on a boat... you'd think I was on the one that sank in the Mediterranean...
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