A Letter to Barack Obama. (This makes me sad.)
Here is a copy of a letter I just sent to Barack Obama. I'm so disappointed about this, but I guess such is life in the Big World of Politics.
I really don't expect a response, but if on the off chance I get one back, I'll post it here too.
Love you guys!
You have just lost my vote, and I am so disappointed, because I had so much hope for 2008.
Dear Senator Obama,
I was so excited when you announced your candidacy. I signed up on your website right away, and for the first time, I thought that politics could be different, that *I* could help to make a difference, and that there was finally hope for getting us out of the mess in Iraq in a balanced, rational way.
Then the "veto battle" started. Promises not to interfere with funding our troops on the ground were quickly broken in an attempt to make personal political gains. Soldiers' lives were once again used as political pawns in order to get sound bites and airtime. I was completely disgusted, but you still had my support as your stance was to keep the troops funded as long as they were still being put into harm's way.
Now today I have just read that you are supporting cutting funding in March of 2008. Fabulous, Senator, since my husband, and most likely my oldest son also, will be in Iraq in March of 2008. Do you think they will be on a plane home as soon as you enact this policy? Or more likely, they will be "making do" with already strained resources. Should I start saving up so we can buy our own equipment and food?
How dare you and the rest of the politicians in Washington (because, sadly, I now realize that you *are* about politics as usual, following the "Party Line" and more of the same!) ...How dare you use our families' lives as pawns and tools to try and force this President's policy? We are already stretched to the limit with this. Now we are being pulled in too many directions. We need support AND financial backing while you -supposed -diplomats get in there and use perhaps a more subtle method than taking the Army hostage in order to fix what you all started together. (And yes, Senator, I know you voted against the war. But CONGRESS voted for it as a majority and now your initial vote is a moot point, since what's done is done, so to speak.)
I hope it was worth it for you, to "flip flop" like that. For me, I guess it has been a lesson too. I will be posting my "Obama '08" shirts, stickers, etc. on ebay, and I also will be canceling my monthly donation. (Maybe I'll put the money into a fund for my soldiers, do you think?) Yes, I am slightly bitter about this, I feel like as a military family, we've been sold out again, by the people who claim to care about us.
I don't know if I will receive a response, but I felt I had to express myself on this issue. Thank you for your time.
Laura (I have removed my last name for this post)
(Proud to be an Army Wife and an Army Mom!)
(I have removed my personal contact info for this post)
Oh no... I didn't know he was pulling that kind of crap. I thought he was different. I guess I was wrong. Looks like I'll be voting "green" come 2008...
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