
Monday, July 31, 2006

Just a Usual Day!

Went to lunch today with Parker and his girlfriend. She seems like a nice person. And Jillian went with us too, of course! (Tom didn't want to go.) We went to Applebees, Jill was pretty good, but I still like going early. It's not so crowded, and if she does have a "moment" it's not so stressful-- to everyone involved!

1. Ceiling fans and balloons don't mix.
2. We always wear our panties in the sandbox.
3. Spraying the hose into the house is not a Good Activity.

And now, with Princessa in bed and the house nice and quiet, I'm going to have a glass of wine and read a trashy novel... Gotta rest up for another day with my favorite curious two year old!!!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sad But True...

Thought this was kind of funny, under the circumstances...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Leaving Comments

I really love getting your comments, and thanks to everyone who takes the time to visit!

I choose to moderate my comments, as a matter of National Security. (Ha Ha.) That means that when you leave a comment, it goes to me first and then I post it to the site. So if you post a comment and it doesn't show up right away, don't panic. As soon as I check my email, I will publish your comments in my blog.

So comment away! Agree, disagree, call me names if you must--none of that stuff will be edited out. The main thing I am screening for is "identifying info" and such. (Phone #s, addresses, etc.) I look forward to hearing from you all!

Hope this helps explain what's going on.

P.S. Got the odery stinktion out of the couch. Yay Febreeze!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Day 2

Wow, 2 days in a row!

Now that I have my own voice in cyberspace, I feel like I should be writing about all kinds of profound and worldly topics... The Middle East, Israel, immigration reform... but all that is on my mind is, well, basically nothing. I'm too tired. Jillian is not sleeping well at all, so that means I am not sleeping either. And there is a funny smell in the couch, I think she spilled milk there because it is quite gross... So I guess my personal discomforts are taking precedence over war, famine, and politics. Doesn't seem quite right to whine when I am really so blessed. Is that human nature, or am I just a spoiled bitch? Probably a little of both, I think. Not too pleasant to admit. I think it's time to start walking the walk... Which I guess means I need to go unfunk the couch, cuz no self-respecting activist is going to come over to brainstorm saving the world with me once they walk in and smell the cheezy delight wafting up from those cushions.

So I'll write again later.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Here We Go!

So now I have joined the blogging world. My two sons think this is incredibly lame. (They are 20 and 17). A couple of months ago, when I asked them what "blog" even meant, one of them said, "It means -I'm a loser, please read my stupid stories-". Now they said they are going to keep an eye on me to make sure I don't develop any other EMO tendencies. (Not quite sure what that is either, but from what they tell me it involves cutting yourself and crying a lot. I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about that!) My daughter, who is 2, doesn't seem to care if I have a blog or not. Of course, she is all about *her* needs at the moment... and yes, I'm being sarcastic. You'll probably find that a lot here. To be honest, I'll probably post regularly for a couple days, maybe even a couple weeks, then ..... Nothing.... (sound of desert winds, or crickets chirping... you get the picture) Consistency is not a strong point. But, I do rock at procrastination. I have that down pretty good. So I guess we'll just see what happens... And here we go!